"A 60mph impact of a baby's head on a banister would cause massive damage to the head and massive skull fracturing. Kyle had bruises, he had no scalp swelling, he had no skull fractures, so I think that is extremely unlikely."Dr Squier said that Kyle's brain had two separate abnormalities, a congenital brain condition that can cause fits and an eye socket injury.She added: "The brain had started to push down through that fracture into the eye socket and displacing the eye. The brain was scarred."So Kyle in fact had two abnormalities in his brain that would predispose him to having seizures. And seizures can kill. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/7129962.stm
According to the 60mph impact version of events, Kyle was left brain dead but the banister remained intact and unmarked by hair, tissue and blood.
But one of the country's most eminent neuro-pathologists, Dr Waney Squier, has dismissed the scenario as "meaningless, emotive words that have absolutely no scientific validity